Diocesan choir to sing at Diocesan Assembly
Below, please read the attached invitation from Dr. Michael Gill, the director of the cathedral's Pontifical Choir to all singers in the diocese who may be attending the Diocesan Conference or who may be interested in visiting the cathedral and sing at the Divine Services taking place during the Diocesan Assembly and cathedral 's Feast Day of the Protection of the Mother of God.


For all singers who will be participating in the Divine Services during the Diocesan Assembly and for the services of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, we ask that you contact us in advance (misha_gill@hotmail.com) and review the music provided below prior to arriving in Chicago.  There will be limited rehearsal time and to maximize efficiency, you will be expected to have reviewed the music in advance.

For the music for the English language Divine Liturgy on Saturday, Oct 13th, please download: SAT AM LITURGY

For the music for the Vigil service on Saturday, Oct 13th, please download:  POKROV VESPERS and MATINS

For the music for the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, Oct 14th, please download:  POKROV LITURGY PART 1

For the music for the combined choir (transliterated) of the second half of Divine Liturgy, please download: POKROV LITURGY PART 2   and Cherubic hymn (option 1) and Cherubic hymn (option 2).

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