On Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28 His Eminence Archbishop Peter visited the St. Panteleimon parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Before the Vigil on Saturday Archbishop Peter met with Alexander Minakov, parish Starosta, and familiarized himself with the ongoing construction taking place at the parish. Despite the fact that the parish is without a permanent Rector, the parishioners have banded together to move forward with their long-planned expansion of the parish church. Following Vigil, Archbishop Peter met with the Parish Council in preparation for the next day’s annual parish meeting. Following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, at which the parish church was overflowing with worshipers, the annual meeting was held. Reports were heard on the past year’s endeavors and elections were held for parish offices. The meeting was marked by a spirit of peace and cooperation – the parish has united around the construction of their new temple and this shone forth in the cooperative atmosphere of the assembly. At the conclusion of the meeting Vladyka thanked those present for the fruitful gathering and congratulated those who volunteered to fill positions of responsibility in the parish administration for the coming year.
A Participant
Learn more about St. Panteliemon Parish: http://spro.church/
Make a donation to support the St. Panteleimon building project: http://give2build.com/stp/
See photos of the St. Panteliemon building project: https://www.facebook.com/panteleimon.church