JULY 9 - JULY 22
- Music Theory and Musicianship, Choir Conducting Techniques, Voice Class (A purely musical component)
- History of Russian Church Music (Courses focusing on the history of Russian Orthodox liturgical music)
- Church Slavonic, Liturgics for Choir Directors, and Liturgical Performance Practice (Practical classes meant to equip singers with the tools necessary to properly carry out liturgical services in the Russian Orthodox tradition)
The courses are designed in close collaboration between faculty members, and are interrelated so that information learned in each class is directly relevant to knowledge acquired in the others. Attentive students are therefore guaranteed a comprehensive understanding of the living Russian Orthodox Liturgical Music tradition, and the skills needed to conduct, sing and read beautifully in their own church choir lofts.
The full course of study consists of three summer sessions, at the end of which graduates are certified as Church Choir Directors and/or Readers.
Many of our students do not seek certification, but rather attend SSLM in order to enrich their knowledge of Russian Orthodox Music during one or more summers. In these cases, the course load — full or partial — may be agreed upon in consultation with the school administration on a yearly basis. Participation in the school choir is mandatory for all students.
For more information: Summer School of Liturgical Music