With the blessing of Bishop Peter of Cleveland, Administrator of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America, the Youth Department of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America invites all Orthodox Youth to participate in the first annual DCMA Youth Pilgrimage Walk.
The procession will take place over the Labor Day weekend (September 4-7, 2015) and cover approximately 35 miles.
During this walking pilgrimage the participants will not only visibly and openly bring Orthodox Christianity to those outside the Church, but also will participate fully in the life of the Church by preparing together and partaking of the Holy Mysteries each day of the pilgrimage. Yes - even when camping en route we will serve the Divine Liturgy and the other Divine Services!
Join us!
Prepare yourself spiritually for the academic year!
Spread the word - invite friends to walk with you !
Register today! Click on the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ebsyzvXaSm08DvTg5E22WxBx07PY_w0ACcEnx55Vl18/viewform?c=0&w=1