Press Release
Pastoral Retreat
Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America, ROCOR
On October 2/15, 2014, the day following the patronal feast of the Diocesan Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God the clergy of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia gathered in Des Plaines, IL for their annual fall Pastoral Retreat.
At the retreat reports were presented by His Grace Bishop Peter, Administrator of the Diocese, as well as Priest Gregory Joyce, Secretary of the Diocesan Council. Those clergymen who head diocesan committees and endeavors presented reports to the gathered clergy as well. In addition to the “business” aspect of the meeting a professional development portion of the meeting took place as well. Dr. Vadym Pirozhenko of the University of Michigan made a presentation on managing volunteers which was very well received by the gathered clergy. Dr. Pirozhenko discussed best practices in managing volunteers, a crucial aspect of parish life in all of the diocese's parishes. The discussion/question and answer period following Dr. Pirozhenko's presentation was so lively that it had to be cut short to keep the lunch prepared by the cathedral sisterhood from getting cold. Many of the clergymen sat with Dr. Pirozhenko over the lunch period and continued the conversation.
The dates of the 2015 Diocesan Assembly (the tri-annual gathering of clergy and lay delegates of the diocese) was set for October 13-17, 2015. Further information on the 2015 Diocesan Assembly will be forthcoming from the diocesan offices.
The diocese wishes to thank those clergymen who attended the retreat and feast proceeding it, as well as their parishes who funded their travel. It is frankly crucial for the clergy to gather for mutual spiritual support at this and the annual Great Lenten Pastoral Retreat (set for March 2-4, 2015). Many of our clergymen are alone in their parishes or otherwise geographically isolated. As Bishop Peter noted in his closing remarks, “...our strength is in our unity”, and that unity is best preserved by the prayerful communion of the clergy of the diocese.