On Saturday, the tenth of December, the Kursk Icon of the Mother of God Mission in Weston, WI celebrated its patronal feast day. Festive Divine Liturgy was served in the beautiful wooden church by Protopriest Andre Papkov from Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral, who is Dean for the northern region of our diocese. He was joined in concelebration by the Very Reverend Fr. Vladimir Lecko, who also serves at St. Andrew Mission in Minocqua, WI. Fr. Vladimir and his matushka, Virginia, make the trek from northern Wisconsin once or twice a month in order to perform divine services and spiritually nurture Our Lord's flock in Weston.
Prior to Divine Liturgy, Fr. Andre heard confessions. Those who had prepared gratefully received the Holy Mysteries. Fr. Andre concluded the service with a sermon, in which he related an account of a recent miraculous healing by the prayers of the Most Holy Mother of God in the presence of Her wonderworking Kursk Icon, to which Fr. Andrei himself was an eyewitness.
Afterward, the parish warden, Dr. Paul Guigari, together with his spouse, treated Frs. Andre and Vladimir and their traveling companions to a meal at a nearby establishment.
The Kursk Icon of the Mother of God Mission consists of a young and vibrant community of Russian, Serbian and American parishioners. It was a joy to see all of the young children in church. This parish is currently seeking a full-time pastor, may God help them in their search!
To learn more about this church and to see photos of its construction, visit: http://wisconsineasternorthodox.com/gallery.html
Or view their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Russian-Orthodox-Church-Out-of-Russia/191137920946678?sk=wall
Glory to God in all things!
Reader Nikolai Lochmatow
Weston, WI - 12/10/11
Celebrations of the Patronal Feast at the Kursk Icon of the Mother of God Mission(17 images)
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