As part of an official visit to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York, the Secretary of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America, Archpriest Gregory Joyce, met with our diocesan seminarians in the Bachelors and Masters programs at Holy Trinity Seminary on December 21, 2022. Fr. Gregory conveyed Archbishop Peter’s blessings to the seminarians, as well as His Eminence’s thanks to them for their preparation for service in the Mid-American diocese. Fr. Gregory was also able to deliver Nativity gifts to the students from Archbishop Peter. A pleasant conversation took place over tea and cookies, with the seminarians asking questions of Fr. Gregory, his answers, and the exchange of ideas about how best to serve our diocese and attract more students to study at the seminary. Also joining the conversation was Priest Daniel Franzen, cleric of the Sts. Joachim and Anna parish in San Antonio, Texas, who is on loan to the seminary as a instructor and administrator. Included as well were the Serbian students from within the borders of our diocese. Following the meeting the students returned to their studies in preparation for their upcoming final exams.
Pictured from left to right, row 1: Archpriest Gregory Joyce, Priest Daniel Franzen: row 2: Nicholas Thomas, Elias Naasko, Olaf Borg, Gregory Naasko, Jorge Luque-Martin, Dario Rancic.